Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rich Hill

Last Thursday we loaded up and went to Rich Hill MO to a Amish auction!! It was so fun.
Friday it was very cold and rained  all day off and on!!! It took all day Friday to sell the horses and some tack! Dad was looking to buy a horse or two, we came back with three!!!!

They had all kinds of small animals.

And the cutest little pony's ever.

Here is our horses and the donkey cart we bought.
The cart is starped on the front of the trailer!!

On the way home we stopped by a antique store.


Helen said...

Wish I had been in the back seat, oh wait, that would have been taken up with the stuff I bought! I would have to ride with the horses.

Ellie said...

Cute little Amish boys! I bet that was an interesting auction and fun day!